No, this is not a thread regarding a trans stamp Zildjian.. ;)
I've been a Paiste guy for over 20 years, but i'm not new to Zildjian.
I think every drummer who plays Paiste has played Zildjian at some point
in their life. I'm seriously considering a "temporary transition" into
Zildjian territory for my McCartney tribute band. I'm also aware that
Abe Laboriel Jr. who's McCartney's current drummer, endorses
and uses a variety of Paiste cymbals, and although they sound
great playing Paul's solo and Beatles songs, i feel to capture that
true sound of the songs, i'm going to have to cheat on my Paistes
and use Zildjian.. I've played both A's and K's and really like the sound
of both. The best part is i've already found several used cymbals for
pretty cheap, so at least if i buy them it won't cost an arm and a leg. New Beat 14" hats
for $130 CDN, a vintage hollow logo 20" crash/ride for $90
and an 18" hollow logo 70's crash for $80, are pretty great deals if you ask me, whereas
vintage Paistes normally cost way more. I find that A Zildjians always had a high frequency tone
that i found to be a little harsh, but not terrible. With a nicely aged patina, some of those tones will
not be present, and make the cymbals a lot warmer sounding.
So what to do you guys think ? Should i visit the Zildjian camp, or should i stick with what i've got ?
Whatever the case, i just thought it would interesting to read some comments on this.