Noob here...Yours is the first Fibes kit I have seen good pics of, I barely knew of the brand's existence. Thanks a lot... Now I have another thing on my bucket list. Cool don't even come close to describing it. I had the same experience this summer at a car show, I saw my first Siata. It's a sports car brand that I had never crossed paths with. So freaking cool. Waaaaaaaaaaay out of my price range, but so freaking cool.
THANK YOU Mr. Toast, and so glad you enjoyed! In the giant scheme of things, the ORIGINAL Fibes with Bob Grauso and then CFMartin, really weren't around all that long. As a company, they were active from 1965 to 1979 which is when CFMartin threw in the towel and sold everything to Jim Corder. Jim Corder then sold to Sammy Darwin, and then of course Fibes Austin owned by Tommy Robertson. The original Fibes though were either fiberglass or acrylic shells which Fibes named Crystalite. To me, and this is only my personal opinion, wood shelled Fibes just aren't Fibes, at least that was not Bob Grauso's vision/intent anyway. That said, anything from 1965 through 1979 would be the ORIGINAL Fibes drums/concept! I do want to make mention that Corder, Darwin, and Fibes Austin ALL made great drums of course ... but wood shells primarily. Here are a couple pics of my other Fibes set ... 1967/68 Buddy Rich COF. Hope you ENJOY!