Hi everyone
Thought I'd share my marching band hihats on here. From Smyrne too. Like yours Chromeo, they had leather lanyards and I found them in a car boot sale in France (you can still see the marks the leather has left on the cymbals as it was probably stored flat on top of each other, somewhere for years...). I find it rather funny to know it's italian yet has the name of a turkish city. Anyhow, I got rid of the lanyards so I could put them on a hihat stand. They sound great! Thinking of getting rid of the 'eyes' at the center of the cymbals, just to gain in comfort and accuracy on the stand/tilter.
You can hear those on here: [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZPE6QJVoOk"]UFIP Smyrne marching band HIHATS - YouTube[/ame]