Today I made a deal on a Ludwig champagne sparkle kit, 20,12,16, missing rail mount and inlay from one hoop. The floor tom has a very low-placed badge. The ad was on kijiji in Toronto. About an hour after our agreement, the seller came back saying he had accepted an offer from someone in Montreal. The seller's name, at least as it showed up in email, is Rafael Rodrigues [I spelled it wrong in the title]. This is the very definition of cretinous behaviour in my books.
I'll add that my offer was $1200.00, so whoever in Montreal is paying more is also getting hosed. I have no right to expect this, but I'm hoping the buyer is one of our own Montreal members here, and that they will tell this jerkface where to stick his kit. :) I can promise y'all I wouldn't buy a sandwich from him at this point...
Thanks for letting me rant!