I just bought a set for small money not knowing what I can expect.
The picĀ“s where not that good, but I could see Amait lugs.
So by picking the stuff I was really suprised about what I get.
On the first view it was an Amati set. Original lugs, mounts and legs.
A nice snare included, but no badges.
Than the suprise: The Shells where wrapped with leather... and the toms are ou of metal.
So very, very heavy. Is that the work of creative craftsman or does Amati really does sets like this.?
[img]http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/20150628171449w2lshxmd8e.jpg[/img] [img]http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/201506281715046kemqgnosf.jpg[/img]