Best audio I've found for these, would Tony recognize them?
[ame=""]Istanbul Mehmet Tony Williams Tribute Cymbal Set - YouTube[/ame]
Best audio I've found for these, would Tony recognize them?
[ame=""]Istanbul Mehmet Tony Williams Tribute Cymbal Set - YouTube[/ame]
hate to say it, but the only thing I like from the set is the hats
Matthias must have two or three Old Ks on his channel that sound more like Tony's cymbal than that 22" does.
The Band
The 22 at first sounded a bit like Tony's, until he started crashing it. Then it didn't sound like Tony's at all.
a June 1983 Modern Drummer interview.
"And Tony's kit - he had that beautiful K Zildjian cymbal that started everyone looking for old K's because he got such a good sound, but after playing it, I realized it wasn't so much the cymbal as the way he played it. He has that wrist snap to his playing. I couldn't get it. Back in '65, I sat down behind his kit....and that cymbal was very hard to play - a real garbage can lid."
Terry Clarke
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