I am in NJ but from time to time I look on Craigslist down in SE North Carolina. The other day I responded to an ad for 3 zildjan cymbals for $100.00 (22-18-14)
I called the seller an elderly gentleman himself and he said yes they were still available. He happened to live 4 miles away from Daddy'O and said they have been in storage for quite some time and needed a good cleaning. I asked him If he would be so kind as to deliver them, and Pops would pay him. Pops (not a drummer)is keeping busy at 87 years old & I will be coming down to see him in a few short weeks. My best guess is they are A Zildjan from the 70's but only time will tell. I am very lucky and very blessed that he is still with us and is still there when u need him. Enclosed is a picture as they are when my dad received them.