Can a drumset that was originally wrapped be finished naturally or does it have to be rewrapped due to the gluing, etc.I was thinking about possibly rewrapping my shells or if it was possible having them unwrapped and just laquered if that is even possible, I don't know, I am asking the experts here.What is the cost involved in wrapping say a 16" floor tom?
It's actually fairly simple to do either method proposed. You can carefully remove the original wrap, remove the glue and such, do your filler, sand and prep the wood, and then stain-seal it. The only issue you might run into is whether or not the outer ply is visually appealing. That's just a "chance" you take.
Wrapping is fairly cheap. Depending one the finish chosen, it can be anywhere from 80 bucks to 500 bucks for a simple four piece kit. The main factor here is the particular wrap you choose. Is it going to be washed out red plastic or is it going to be a deep penetrating pearl finish? You get the point.
For pricing, check out JamminSams and Precision Drums to get an idea.
Good luck!