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Gretsch Kit Walnut Finish Stop Sign HELP!!!!


Hi guys. So I'm new here but I've been given a drum kit. From my own research I think it's from circa 1965-1973. I wondered if anyone can help me identify it. Also, is it valuable? I may keep it as I've fallen in love with it.

Also got given what I think is a premier COB snare. Heavy, 10 lugs, old logo and not magnetic. Sounds silly but it smells of brass.

I've always played the drums but this is the first time I've been given a kit. An old lady gave it to me but knew nothing about it. It came with a Beverley hi hat stand and two old cymbal stands and a cymbal with rivets in it.

So some pictures........

Any help would be warmly received!!


Posted on 9 years ago
Posts: 1040 Threads: 106

Dude, yes! It is quite valuable. It does not make You super rich, but it's a top-line professional instrument. Keep it, play it, enjoy it.

What is the place where old ladies give away kits like this? I need to move there!

Welcome to the forum!

Sysl krysu nenahradi!

-196?-72 6ply White Oyster Amati
-1960s 3ply Red Sparkle Amati
- Zildjian, Paiste, Zyn, Istanbul
Posted on 9 years ago

Haha well she had a lot of stuff. Think it was sad circumstances but I helped her out a bit and then she said 'oh, before you go, you like music, do you want this?' And then gave me that look like it was in the way so I took it. Bless her.

Anymore info on this would be great. How can I be sure that the snare is COB? Also really want to know the model name and year of both the kit and snare. It's almost like an adventure.

I may keep it as a little jazz kit as the more time I spend with it cleaning it up the more I love it!!

Posted on 9 years ago

It is a 70's kit.

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 9 years ago

That's a ten-lug bass drum, so unless it's 24", it seems to me that would be rare for Gretsch. Not very jazzy though....if it's a ten-lug 20" bass drum then we've entered a different dimension.

Congratulations on a truly amazing score!


Posted on 9 years ago

That is your new studio kit.

Ten lugs is standard on a 22" kick.

Should ba 5 on the 12", 6 on the 13" and 8 on the 16".

I like Drums...
1963 Ludwig Downbeat Champagne Sparkle
1964 Leedy (Slingerland) Blue n Silver Duco
1964 Ludwig Club Date Sparkling Silver Pearl
1966 Ludwig Super Classic Sparkling Silver Pearl
1968 Gretsch round badge modern jazz orange stain
1972 Slingerland 85N Pop outfit Light Blue Pearl
1976 Ludwig Vistalite clear
1981 Gretsch SSB Gran Prix Rosewood
1987 Yamaha Turbo Tour Custom Mellow Yellow
1991 Pearl Export Ferrari Red
Posted on 9 years ago

From clubdate64

Ten lugs is standard on a 22" kick.

I thought Gretsch had mostly 8-lug 22" bass drums? Lug-counting is how I try to determine shell size from pics and I kept getting fooled by them Gretsches...I thought.


Posted on 9 years ago

It's a 22'' bass drum with 10 lugs. I am also in possession of a cymbal set with ZYN made in England on them. I believe these to have perhaps come with the kit.......? By the way, thanks for all the input :) very helpful!

Posted on 9 years ago

Zyn were a budget brand made by Premier in the 1960s (and not very good ...) Super Zyn were a step up, but still nowhere near any Zildjian or Paiste. Worst of all were 'Krut' (Turk spelled backwards), also made by Premier, which were about the worst cymbals ever manufactured! Absolutely dreadful. I know - I had one .....

Posted on 9 years ago

I see thanks for the info. I'm going to clean everything up and then when the project is completed I'll post a few pics of my first vintage set up. Be a couple of weeks work I imagine and I'm already enjoying it so much. Nearly finished the snare which I am 99.9% sure is COB and already coming up great.

Any extra tips for cleaning would be great.

Posted on 9 years ago
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