If you have any wrap on them - happen to have blue sparkle? There is another thread on here right now - someone looking for some wrap for a hoop inlay - in blue sparkle. Great shells (arguably the better of the 2 types in Vintage MIJ) - will sound great. Be sure to 'color' them in something you will enjoy for years to come - because the chances are this kit will sound so good - that you will not want to sell.....ever.
That would be me, I assume, and thanks a lot for trying to help! I think I found some wrap through another member.
I own a U.S. Mercury kit, made by Star. Recent purchase for small venues and quieter situations. 20/12/14 + original snare. Really digging this kit. It has a fun vibe.
I've done a bunch of work with it already--two 3-set gigs, a 4-show theater run and a recording session. It's sounded great in all situations. The kick drum especially is an unexpected treat...it really has a nice, deep punch.
It was missing one side of original Ts, claws and a hoop and I've managed to find all the correct replacement parts locally. Amazingly, forum member DownTownFarmer has come through with some of the original wrap for an inlay. So, the kit should be back in 100% correct shape real soon!