Howdy All,
Yep, for the umpteenth time there is yet another thread running asking about how to properly set-up a snare drum. I have repeatedly written a good set of basic set-up procedures in response to each person who posts the question, 'How do I set-up my snare?'
I hope Tommy pins this one. Anyone who has a different method, or approach is welcome to add it to this thread. My motives are a bit selfish in that I'm tired of writing the same instructions over and over again in response to each individual request. Better to have it all in one spot. One stop shopping!
So, here it is and (hopefully) for the last time!
Basic Set-Up Of A Snare Drum:
1. Once the heads have been tuned, center the snare wires evenly between the bearing edges of the drum. I usually cheat the snares toward the butt side just a little so that when I tension the snares from the strainer side, they will sit well-centered on the head.
2. Lock down the butt-side first.
3. Disengage the strainer and loosen the snare tension knob on the strainer almost all the way.
4. Run the strings (or tape) through the strainer and (if using string,) tie the first half of a square knot. (Right over left.)
5. With half the knot tied, engage the strainer. Finish tying the other half of the square knot. (Left over right.)
6. Turn the snare tension knob slowly while tapping the top head until you hear a clean snare response. Do not over-tighten the snare wires because you will completely dry out the drum.
If you follow these simple steps every time, you'll always have a drum you enjoy playing as your reward.
Quick review:
Keep wires centered between bearing edges. Make sure the wires are right-side up and that the cord is properly wound through the end plates (not reversed holding the snares above the head.) Rack out the tension knob on the strainer so you have plenty of travel for adding tension to the wires.
I tune the snare side head to an 'A' note. (Tight) The batter side I like at about a 'C' just a tweak above mid-range. This tuning and set-up method has served me well for 50 years.
Any and all other ways of doing this are welcome. Please feel free to post them here.
TommyP - Pin this PLEEEEZE! I don't want to have to keep writing it over and over again. Thank you.