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Gigging vintage drums.

Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

At the weekly gigs I play, the "stage" area is near a back door. Every now and then, people walk in through the back door and it would be very easy to nab a snare drum and be gone before anyone could do anything about it -same goes for cymbals, pedals, guitars, bass bows, etc. It would be nice to bring the nice stuff in there, but once it gets ripped off, there's no going to the music shop and replacing certain pieces.

So, some of the stuff stays set up at home and some stuff goes to the gig. The stuff that goes to the gig would be missed if any of it got ripped off, too, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. If my red sparkle Downbeat snare that's matched with a Downbeat kit gets ripped off, then it's the end of the world. I have couple of cymbals that I would not be able to get over, too.

I guess some of my extra-nice gear has been relegated to my own selfish pleasure. But, it all does get played -and enjoyed. I think that's what counts.

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 2628 Threads: 40

From atomicmorganic

The reason I started this thread is that occasionally someone will make a comment like "Man, I would never bring that drum out to a place like this!" I feel that I owe my fellow musicians and the audience the best music I can make. And that includes my best sounding stuff. I regularly gig with either a Camco Oaklawn bop kit with a 20s Ludwig NOB snare or Rogers dayton 20, 12, 14 with my own design snare and my 1970 Sonor teardrop rosewood kit with a '28 Ludwig black beauty. This is my best sounding stuff. I know guys who have incredible drums at home, but play beater stuff live. I don't get it. These are musical instruments. They should be used to make music with. To me, to leave them on the shelf is disrespecful to the instrument and the people who made it. There. I got this off my chest. I feel better now.

[COLOR="Purple"]It's funny...I mean, I guess I kinda understand why somone wouldn't bring it a situation like O-Lugs mentions, for example. My first vintage kit, my prized '64 Slingerland WMP Stage Bands...the guy I got them from on eBay had purchased them from the original owner, becasue he didn't wanna take his '60's Gretsch kit out on gigs.

The Slingy was so pristine....he concluded that he didn't wanna take that one out on gigs, after owning 'em for less than a year, he auctioned em... Yes Sir[/COLOR]
Posted on 15 years ago

From O-Lugs

I guess some of my extra-nice gear has been relegated to my own selfish pleasure. But, it all does get played -and enjoyed. I think that's what counts.

Yeah, just because you don't gig with it doesn't mean it doesn't get played and enjoyed at home...

1970 Ludwig Downbeat
1965 Ludwig Hollywood
1970 Ludwig Jazzette
Posted on 15 years ago
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