....at least in the form of proto-types they seem to be. Maybe the 30 year dark age is finally coming to an end.
....at least in the form of proto-types they seem to be. Maybe the 30 year dark age is finally coming to an end.
Ok,,,OK,,,no argument from me,,,,,,,and I always try to start an argument with you drumaholic,,lol. *Side bar A few months ago a bought a 22" K con,,,new model,,,,I love this cymbal,,,,the sound is not up to the first video Brooke just played,,,,but the feel is so good,,,I love it. yes indeed Z is out of life support now.flowers2
I think this 2nd one is maybe more what they were trying for with the KCDCR series. But both the KCDCR I & KCDCR II sounded like garbage. In contrast this proto here should be made into a new production line model IMO.
You just can't get me hopped up today,,,agreed a majority of the KCDCR I & KCDCR II's did suck. yes the 2nd one is really great,,,,and I agree,,,,,,Sorry man I have to go beat up the Easter bunny or something,,,all this agreeing and niceness has made me bitter.LoLoLoLo
And this #1 is exceptional too. It has closely spaced pin lathing with with wider spaced channel lathing on top of that. Just like the old K's had. And then the bell is hammered, and not just a little but saturated. Again just like the old K's had. The size and shape of the bell is like a K too. The hammering is probably more K-like that anything they've made so far and it appears to hammered on both sides, but I'm not exactly sure. If so this would be another departure from what they've done previously.
And the result? A cymbal that sounds more in the K tradition that anything I've ever heard them make in my opinion.
I think they need to make an entire production line of these too.
I think that's the problem...I've been hearing phenomenal prototypes for years. They put so much time and effort into them, including a lot of hand hammering. But unfortunately they can't afford to give that much attention to individual cymbals on a mass scale.
I think that's the problem...I've been hearing phenomenal prototypes for years. They put so much time and effort into them, including a lot of hand hammering. But unfortunately they can't afford to give that much attention to individual cymbals on a mass scale.
Yes I know, and that's unfortunate. Concern for making the best possible cymbal should be the primary and only concern. I mean after all, this isn't about someone who's painstakingly hammering out each blow by hand. It's automated for Pete's sake.....oh well.
Here's some photos of #1:
Kind of an inflammatory thread title, don't you think? Some people really like the cymbals that have been made over the past 30 years.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that the vast majority of the cymbals have been clangy sewer lids, but the thread title just kinda rubs the wrong way...
Kind of an inflammatory thread title, don't you think? Some people really like the cymbals that have been made over the past 30 years.Don't get me wrong, I agree that the vast majority of the cymbals have been clangy sewer lids, but the thread title just kinda rubs the wrong way...:2Cents:
I think we're all grown-ups here. You can either learn to deal with it or grow some thicker skin.
I think we're all grown-ups here. You can either learn to deal with it or grow some thicker skin.
Quite the grown-up response.
Don't need to, but thank you for the suggestion.
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