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Vintage Cymbal Sizzler Attachments


These fold up type cymbal sizzlers are from the mid-60`s.Did any of you guys use these and if so what were they actually called-did they have a specific name and who invented them?Two of mine have 'Cam' inscriptions on the wings but no'co' so could they be Camco? The bottom one is a 'mij' and i always thought these were kind of cool, as in an instant- you had a sizzle sounding cymbal. Any thoughts on these old accessories...




1967 Rogers Cleveland Champagne Sparkle
1967/68 Rogers Dayton Champagne Sparkle
1966 Rogers cob 7 Line Dynasonic Snare.
1967 Rogers "Humberto Morales" Timbales.
1980 Ludwig B/O badge 14x 6.5 Black Beauty Snare.
1980 Ludwig B/O badge Red Cortex
1988 Sonor "Horst Link" HLD 590 14x8 Bronze Snare
Posted on 11 years ago

They're Camco's. I was never crazy about them, I thought they were a bit too noisy/rattles. Jazz guys like em. I see them on fleabay all the time.


Too many great drums to list here!
Posted on 11 years ago

Camcos indeed - I've got a couple which I quite like but will go an actual rivet cymbal as first default.

Posted on 11 years ago

From Purdie Shuffle

They're Camco's. I was never crazy about them, I thought they were a bit to noisy/rattles. Jazz guys like em. I see them on fleabay all the time.John

Thanks John-just curious here as only us veteran players would have played these-didn`t realize them on ebay as i looked and nothing,but it`s just timing with that hunt...Many thanks for the info.


1967 Rogers Cleveland Champagne Sparkle
1967/68 Rogers Dayton Champagne Sparkle
1966 Rogers cob 7 Line Dynasonic Snare.
1967 Rogers "Humberto Morales" Timbales.
1980 Ludwig B/O badge 14x 6.5 Black Beauty Snare.
1980 Ludwig B/O badge Red Cortex
1988 Sonor "Horst Link" HLD 590 14x8 Bronze Snare
Posted on 11 years ago

I destroyed a couple. If there's something on a cymbal I'm going to hit it. It's this unconscious need to hit a target I guess.

Posted on 11 years ago
Posts: 1525 Threads: 127

I bought one in 1968. Loved it. Had to get my sizzle on. I still have the middle round piece. I think I paid around $3 for it. Was better than the chain I had looped around my cymbal. I have a nice 18" A Zildjian sizzle cymbal now.

Posted on 11 years ago

Wayne - punch in; 'Camco', at ebay. They turn up fairly regularly along with all the other Camco stuff.


Too many great drums to list here!
Posted on 11 years ago
Posts: 629 Threads: 227

Wayne .Here is another Camco Sizzler.It is the style us kids used in the 60's.I lost mine and started looking on EbA .It took about 10 years but I got one,new still in the box.It originally sold for $1.00 !!!You can complain about Ebay all you want but I found all of the Lp's I needed for my collection right down to Dave Edmunds 1st lp,to this sizzler and never left the house.Can't beat it!! .On second thought I can beat it.....Vati

58-Blue Diamond-Pearl Clubdates
65-WMP Clubdates
66-Green Sparkle Clubdates
67-Root Beer Clubdates
65-Cream tiger-stripe Pearl Presidents
60's Red Sparkle Artist LTD
60's yellow sparkle Trixon's
??'s Kingston-MIJ--3piece kit/Pearl snare
many vintage pedals,cymbals,parts,ect,ect
Posted on 11 years ago

I have one I bought in the '60s and still use it!

1 attachment
My kit:
Ludwig Vistalite Big Beat set consisting of:
14” X 22” bass, 16” X 16” floor tom, 8” X 12” ride tom, 9” X 13” ride tom, 5” X 14” snare
Ludwig 201 Speed King bass drum pedal
Ludwig 1124 Spur-lok hit-hat with Ludwig Standard Paiste 14” cymbals (760 & 770 gr) with ching-ring
Two Ludwig Standard S-270 cymbals stands
18” Zildjian crash cymbal (1550 gr) and 20” Zildjian ride cymbal (2130 gr) with CAMCO sizzler
Gibraltar motorcycle seat-style drum throne with backrest
Posted on 11 years ago

I had one of these in 1971 on a 16" Zildjian crash that had its original rivets removed (as so many drummers were doing then). Seems sizzle cymbals were falling out of favor. I remember finding so many beautiful used cymbals with empty rivet holes. This Camco "sizzler" accessory gave the option of engaging the rivets only when needed... a big advantage over installed rivets, but it also didn't produce quite the same sound. It's still much better than those chains that hang right in the way of your stick and bounce around all over the place.

-No Guru... still learning more every day-
Posted on 11 years ago
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