What up guys!
Sorry for taking so long :D I finnaly took some pictures of my set. My apologies for it not being very clean, and for the used up heads. I only got my Amati drum key yesterday becouse the previous owner didn't give me one and the only one who had a spare was my old drum teacher and I needed a while to meet up with him.
Here, you can see the whole set. Not much to say, your basic Amati, with 3rd party cymbal stands... one of the bassdrum hoops is original and one not, as the guy I bought it from got the drums without one hoop. He put this weird thick black head in front that looks like it's painted with catran or something. It had an awful sticker on it saying ''Gates Expert'' ... (so it's saying Bill Gates is an expert? I don't know what the hell I'm talking about...)
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/256/3/f/tova1_002_by_owotovaowo-d6m4u4x.jpg This is one of the toms. Unfortunetly all of the Amati stickers are gone /: I don't know why they had to use stickers, badges would have made more sense... if anyone has them up for sale please let me know! Also the dampening mechanisms are broken on a few toms so I'd need some parts for that too.
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/256/a/c/tova1_006_by_owotovaowo-d6m4ugx.jpg Here is a picture of the bottom of one of the stands. I was very upset about his the chrome just peeled off here, as if it wee tinfoil. The part without it was very rusty and I tried to clean it with polish paste as much as I could.
http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/256/3/6/tova1_009_by_owotovaowo-d6m4vws.jpg Here you can see the alterations I did. The original hole was how should I say, eaten out so an M5 screw could not fit properly anymore. We drilled a bigger M8 hole and also put an M8 screw on the amati screw handle. This one looks great!
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/256/c/9/tova1_010_by_owotovaowo-d6m4wap.jpg Here you can see the yellow colour on the wrap, that my teacher would describe as 'Tobacco'. Not sure yet what I'll do about that..
http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/256/e/5/tova1_013_by_owotovaowo-d6m4woi.jpg Here is the left part of the set from my view. The hihat stand is a Yamaha, actualy not sure what model this is, even though I'v searched for it, if anyone has an idea let me know : D
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/256/2/3/tova1_014_by_owotovaowo-d6m4x0q.jpg Here is the right part. Can't believe I still have a ride that says Premier on it.
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/256/a/f/tova1_017_by_owotovaowo-d6m4x9t.jpg Here are some examples of the different screws. If I had to guess, I would say that the one on the right is the original type. If I want an original set I need about 11 of them.. the one on the middle and on the left look like older amati to me. And in the middle at the bottom is the drum key, that is absoulety essential P: We're a machinist family and my grandpa made me my own key at first. Stunning job. It was better than the original one now that I see it. Too 'better'. I only gave him one screw to model the key on. But the screws are made so badly, that they're all a little different! So sometimes, the perfect key my grandpa made me wouldn't fit! What a disaster /: