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New Heads for pre-international Premier Kit


Greetings all, this is my first post.

I ended up here after asking a bunch of vintage drum experts where i could find replacement heads for my 1957 Premier Kit, which has 11 3/4" and 16 1/4" [by 19"!] toms. Used to be I could order them through Remo, but they seem to be a lot less helpful these days.

Has anyone else purchased these lately that may have a good tip?

Coated ambassadors, or anything really!, would be fine.

Muchos gracias,


Posted on 18 years ago

Not sure this would work and others may have better knowledge but I'd check on the Aquarian Modern Vintage series heads. If you call there they have been very helpful to me in the past.

Posted on 18 years ago

Mike Ellis, can supply pre-international heads, and, sometimes, with original Premier logo for the bass drum.

Not too sure of anyone in the US.
Posted on 18 years ago

thank you both, i will let you know how i go.

cheers, james

Posted on 18 years ago

The supply of pre-int heads (in the UK) is pretty hit and miss, not sure how the USA and the ROTW is, but we try hard to keep them in stock and there's nothing more pleasing to my heart to have a full rack of the little blighters!!

I'm sure a lot of music and drum stores have them, collecting dust but the round shouldered, callow 'yoofs' who seem to populate a lot of 'shiny' stores really can't be bothered sometimes. So, if you see 'em, buy 'em!
Premier spare parts
Posted on 18 years ago

I have a similar problem and the Aquarian American Vintage heads do not solve the problem. That leads me to ask the following question: What would be the consequence of using a head that was, for example, 1/2" larger in diameter than the shell? I recognize that the tension rods would need to screw 1/4" further into the lugs. Assuming that is possible, would the drum tune properly? Would it sound any better or worse than a properly sized head? Thanks.

Posted on 18 years ago

We have 'converted' a number of pre-international Premier 12" (11 5/8ths) toms to 'international size' by getting new hoops and heads and it really doesn't seem to bother the drum or rods. You can deal with the very slight angle of the rods by cutting and fitting rubber plinths to go under the lugs and raise them off the shell.

Premier v.2 Soundwave drums from 1980 used 'undersized' shells with lugs on plinths, the USP being the 'extra clarity' this arrangement gave since the head hoop was clear of the drum shell.
Premier spare parts
Posted on 18 years ago

I currently have my 1959-63 Premier 54 kit's Tom's and a recent 1950's Premier 10" add-on tom at Remo Inc.

Remo just completed my custom Powerstroke 3 head for my 12 tom & Powerstroke 4 for my 16 tom.

I informed Remo that the two 10" heads I purchased a couple months earlier had the heads hoop too big. Especially the bottom head had to be forced into the Premier counter hoop and it wrinkled. Top head was tight but didn't wrinkle. I also had a history of them making oversized 12's. So I gave them some prior heads I saved for examples. I also had to get vendors and post from forums to prove they were making the 12's an 1/8 too big on the head hoop and 1/16th on the 10's. They think the 16 is ok but the everplay was 1/16 bigger.

Anyways, after Remo gave me a long bs story on phone and email. On the phone I told them I'm probably the only one who buys for this kit. They said that there are actually a few. I told them probably because of the internet more replacement parts are available then in year 2000 when I last complained to Remo. I keep my heads for a long time. I've owned the kit since 1984.

Remo also claims 10k to re-tool their machine. For the hoop to be cut slightly shorter? Also, talking about there's not a wide market for these heads etc.. in email.

I also showed Remo a eBay link of Premier concert tom's with same size as my 10 & 12 with ruler measurements. After they measured my Tom's they admitted the tooling was off. It was a big battle and it's like talking to a wall.

Anyways Remo is holding my drums hostage for 2 1/2 more weeks. They have had Them since June 30 2017. I'll finally get my 10 heads exchanged and the bottom heads of the 12&16 that they promised since I complained about 130.00 USD for the two top custom heads since the store wouldn't budge.

So the new batch with corrections should be produced by the end of August 2017. Wish me luck. This is how they treat their customers. They should be given me heads for life after I showed them the badly made heads.

Owner since 1984 1st bought heads in 1986.

By the way , the English never used the metric system. I think Remo coined the phrase. Although Premier brouchers have drums in CM and heads in MM I think that was for other countries to know size.

These are the actual sizes of the drums.

10 tom has 10" counter hoop I.D. with 9" 7/16 shell.

12 tom has 12" 5/16 counter hoop I.D. with 11" 3/4 shell.

16 tom has 16" 14/16 counter hoop I.D. w 16" 5/16 shell

14 Snare has 14 9/16 counter hoop I.D. with 14" shell

Aquarian American Vintage fits perfectly on Royal Ace snare drum. Also, recommend spacer/washer for Snare.

Especially with Remo head on Snare. Anyways, Remo hasn't gotten back to me about a equivalent to Aquarian's American Vintage.

Posted on 7 years ago

Hello.....Yes Mike Ellis is the man to sort you out or go to Nick he normally has good used premier heads. Another source is on ebay UK thats where i get my original ever play pre international heads obviously used but correct to keep drums original. Also there are various sellers in the UK on ebay selling the remo pre international heads. Not hard to find, but from UK to USA gonna be pricey.

Posted on 7 years ago

From mikeellis

We have 'converted' a number of pre-international Premier 12" (11 5/8ths) toms to 'international size' by getting new hoops and heads and it really doesn't seem to bother the drum or rods. You can deal with the very slight angle of the rods by cutting and fitting rubber plinths to go under the lugs and raise them off the shell.Premier v.2 Soundwave drums from 1980 used 'undersized' shells with lugs on plinths, the USP being the 'extra clarity' this arrangement gave since the head hoop was clear of the drum shell.

I have done this with a Pre-International bass drum with success & the great part is that no drilling is involved and you can easily undo it if/when you find Pre-International heads. Mine was a MIJ (Bollerio) Pre-International sized kick that I never managed to get any info on. It didn't have the value of an old Premier & Pre-International bass drum heads would have cost me more than the whole kit cost. Mike, You may have been the one who suggested this option, so thanks again!

1964 Ludwig Champagne Super Classic
1970 Ludwig Blue Oyster Super Classic
1977 Rogers Big R Londoner 5 ebony
1972/1978 Rogers Powertone/Big R mix ebony
60's Ludwig Supersensitive
Pearl B4514 COB snare ( the SC snare)
Pearl Firecracker
PJL WMP maple snare
Odds & Sods

Sabians, Paistes, Zildjians, Zyns, UFIPs, MIJs etc
Item may be subject to change!
Posted on 7 years ago
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