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help identifying authenticity of drums


Hi everyone.

I have drums that I want to sell - however, I ABSOLUTELY refuse to sell a drum as vintage unless I can prove it, or at least have enough information to back it up. I am attaching some pics.

One is a "Ludwig" BD, or at least it has a ludwig label screwed on. I can't seem to find the date iof this badge. I have given you inside and outside pics. Spurs are obviously new. i DID NOT paint this drum this uing puke-yellow color.

the other is a "ludwig" floor tom, again with new legs and hardware. the badge is from 1920; however, with all these morons selling badges on EBay these days, who knows. Again, inside and outside pic shown. the third is the tom that came with it. looks like slingerland bevertail lugs, or something similar. If anyone can help me identify these drums, I would be very appreciative. Again - I want to sell them, but will not sell them under false pretenses.

By the way, my wife bought them for me 5 years ago on EBay because someone listed them as Radio King drums. she knows I always wanted an RK set. Her heart was in the right place.

notes on pics - first pic is from floor tom - dates to 1920's - next pic inside floor tom - third pic is mounted tom - i don't think anything on this is original -4th pic insde BD and last pic badge on top of bd


Vibeguy56 - feel free to email me at boumpanimusic at yahoo dot com also

Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 1971 Threads: 249

The pics are a little blurry on my monitor but the long yellow oval Ludwig "badge" looks like a metal label I have on a Ludwig drum case from a '69 marching snare... I've never seen one used on a drum, nor can I find reference to that "badge" being attached to a drum... attached is the picture of the case (with an old Acrolite perched on it..)

Can't do you any good on the others but I'm sure somebody out here can..

Does the 20's badge say Chicago or Chicago, USA or Chicago Illinois, Made in USA, on the bottom? Is it a stamped badge or and etched badge??

Best of luck..

1 attachments
Not a Guru... just interested..
Posted on 15 years ago

A clearer picture of the first badge, the 20's one would be helpful. That looks like a reproduction of the badge that's on some newer Ludwig's.

Its better to have people think you're an idiot, than to open your mouth and prove them wrong, unless you doubt yourself then speak away....
Posted on 15 years ago

What you have here is a mess of drums.

Ludwig lugs, Slingerland Lugs, Added badges etc..

The 20's badge looks like the Grommet has been tampered with.

Take the whole set as a photo with all of the drums.

I would sell all of the parts, you will do much better.


Posted on 15 years ago

From Webmaster

What you have here is a mess of drums.Ludwig lugs, Slingerland Lugs, Added badges etc..The 20's badge looks like the Grommet has been tampered with.Take the whole set as a photo with all of the drums.I would sell all of the parts, you will do much better.David

Thanks David. Yes - this is a bastardized set that someone painted and then added badges to sell as vintage. Yes - they are old drums, but there is obviously no way of telling from when.

I am not sure I want to do the parts-bit. I really hate to strip drums. Maybe I will try to sell it to some kid who needs a first drum set, or maybe just sell outright and let others mess with the striping. I will give it thought however. How much can I really make seelling the parts? One thing I will NOT do is sell the badge - that is the problem. some idiot will put it on a cheap drum and opass it off as vintage. If I take off the badge - it will go onm a keychain of mine or something!

Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 1971 Threads: 249

The badge thing is a tough one... I know what you're saying, I just finished (and won) a little ebay official dispute over a drum (shell only). On the other hand, speaking as somebody who last year picked up a great set of old Slingerlands that had been stripped of the badges and then covered in light blue shelf paper; I can't tell you how happy I was the day I finally got my drums cleaned up and found old Slingerland badges to put back on them

Maybe ebay is not the right place to sell the badge but there are people who would legitimately (sp?) benefit from that badge... just my :2Cents:.

I really enjoy tinkering on drums.. if you're anywhere in the Buckeye State just PM me and I'll toss a tool bag in the wagon and we'll have a go at them.

What a great wife to go out find you some drums like that, that's really touching. Mine just thinks I'm nuts... of course she might be right.Eye Ball

Not a Guru... just interested..
Posted on 15 years ago

"...One thing I will NOT do is sell the badge - that is the problem. some idiot will put it on a cheap drum and opass it off as vintage. If I take off the badge - it will go onm a keychain of mine or something!..."

Sell the badge...there is always someone who is doing a restoration project and needs an authentic badge...the idiot that tries to put it on a cheap drum will be found out very easily so don't worry about that.

Mike Curotto

Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 503 Threads: 29

I agree, I was glad to find the right badge for one of my snares that was removed, who knows why. Found two badges, and either one would be correct, but still deciding.

Posted on 15 years ago

Thanks Guys - and Mike, you are right. I will sell the badge to someone who legitimately can prove they have a Ludwig from that era, but I will avoid selling it on Ludwig. You think I should advertise here?

Posted on 15 years ago
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