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Who makes the most natural hand-hammered cymbals?


I bought a 20" Wuhan ride and it has a very distinct look and decent sound; I was informed that it's "hand-hammered" and basically I wanted some input as to what are the most natural, organic hand-made cymbals- What brands, series, most affordable prices etc..

Posted on 12 years ago

It is hard to know what you mean by "natural" and as far as organic----that's an overused term that really doesn't apply to cymbals at all.

I am assuming you mean; cymbals made completely from scratch by a company or artisan. Leaving out the actual mining of the ore and smelting of the metal,I guess you could start with, the actual blending and melting of the alloy and pouring of the ingots.From there the cymbal would have to be milled,hammered and lathed by hand.

I guess there are quite a few of these still. Sabian does some, pretty much any of the Turkish companies,do still(although, purchased ingots and machine hammering might be used at some of them)and the Chinese stuff. Anyone using machine hammering I suppose should be left out,as would those biggies using sheetstock to cut cymbal blanks from.

One would think, the independent cymbal artisans out there would qualify but I guess that would be only if they mixed their own formula and poured their own ingots. I think most would be buying blanks.

--not very specific is it but it's a start.

Posted on 12 years ago

definitely the independents of the cymbal world.






Posted on 12 years ago

Does Wuhan count? What are the top ones?? Popularity and price-wise//

Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 431 Threads: 25

From kookadams

I bought a 20" Wuhan ride and it has a very distinct look and decent sound; I was informed that it's "hand-hammered" and basically I wanted some input as to what are the most natural, organic hand-made cymbals- What brands, series, most affordable prices etc..

AS for prices and qualities, Agean is the most affordable hand made cymbals maker, IMO. In addition, Wuhan, Dream, Amedia, Supernatural, Istanbul Mehmet and others.

Posted on 12 years ago

From kookadams

the most natural, organic hand-made cymbals-

I "think" I know what you mean here. Correct me if I'm wrong but are you referring to cymbals that are not heavily worked after being formed?

If so, I would have to say some of the real old K's and Turk cymbals. from like the early 1900's and older.

Old Zildjian Earth rides and maybe old Sab Leopards.

All of this stuff is not made any more and will not be easy to find or cheap.

60's Sonor Teardrops & 70s Premier AMs
Vic Firth

"unless it's vintage, it's just another wooden tube."
Posted on 12 years ago


Does anyone have an opinion on the old 60s Pashas ?

Posted on 12 years ago
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