Thanks everyone for the kind words. I love playing it!!
To SlingerLynn,
the 1966 Star catalog called the wrap Oyster Pearl. If I had to give it a color, I'd probably call it turquoise oyster pearl. The bass wrap is so faded, you can clearly see the wood grain through the lighter sections of the wrap.
To gwm & DaddyNowhere,
The tom's sound amazing, but I'm still finding the best tuning for the bass. Probably will change out the bass batter for a SK1 or Pinstripe for more of a thud over boom. I've discovered that the boomier the tone, the more i hear the lug springs buzzing. Here's a link to a video of my last gig. First time out with a new song, the video is really dark and the mix isn't great, but you definitely hear the drums. What impresses me with the sound is how big it is for the size of the kit! Don't Set Me Free, by Los Whateveros, 2-4-12.
Brian -- the kit looks GREAT! You did a heckuva job! What's next?I see the 14/10 sticksaver was delivered... all OK?Bill
yes! got it! thanks for a super smooth transaction, bill. the hoop is much shinier than the snare at this point. I just got a buffer attachment for my drill and some semichrome polish from the harley shop. I'll go at my 80's slingy cos snare this weekend. Any thoughts on using a buffer for pitting removal? Can't wait!!
Peace and Rhythm,