Here is a interesting one. 20" no stamp, bought in 52, all the others that came with the kit are trans stamps. 1800 grams.
Old 20" sizzle
Despite the lack of a stamp, it looks like an A Zildjian to my eyes.
Nice patina! Cool1
A Zildjian without doubt.
It even has the ubiquitous band of lathe chatter you see located in the middle of the back-side that is very typical for early to mid 1950's Avedis'. I would say its most likely an earlier 1950's crash-ride, because of the large bell. It's remarkable as to how similar your cymbal looks to my A. Zildjian & Cie. But its certianly not from that era. The flat band that can be seen just below the bell on the top-side tells me its definitely much earlier. Later trans stamp or 1954 vintage is what would be my guess.
When I researched my 15" A sizzle (four holes) I found that the most Zildjian ever drilled at the factory was four holes for rivits !!
Is this correct Drumaholic ??
.....76/#XK9207 Phonic Sound Machine D454/D-505 snares !i
Here are the stamps from the 16" hats on left, stamp is the same on this 20, it is 1750 grams. They were bought at the same time, with the 20" sizzle. I know that the sizzle is a Zildjian, Just thought it was weird that it had no stamp.
Here are the stamps from the 16" hats on left, stamp is the same on this 20, it is 1750 grams. They were bought at the same time, with the 20" sizzle. I know that the sizzle is a Zildjian, Just thought it was weird that it had no stamp.
That's an early 1950's trans stamp.
And I figure that's its likely that this is what that 20" is as well. Why it didn't get the trademark stamped into, I don't know. Weird things like that have been documented as happening before. Double stampings with 2 of the same trademark, triple stampings, quadruple stampings, double stampings with different trademarks (but adjacent ones on the timeline), upside down ones, and even omited ones like this.
Maybe somebody was just having a bad day at the foundry when this occured. I've yet to see any sideways stampings with Avedis yet, but I have seen one with an old K. Zildjian. And I have photographic documentation for all of these cases in my archives. In fact I could probably do an entire dissertation just on this subject alone.
I might call it "weird days at the foundry".
That's an early 1950's trans stamp.And I figure that's its likely that this is what that 20" is as well. Why it didn't get the trademark stamped into, I don't know. Weird things like that have been documented as happening before. Double stampings with 2 of the same trademark, triple stampings, quadruple stampings, double stampings with different trademarks (but adjacent ones on the timeline), upside down ones, and even omited ones like this.Maybe somebody was just having a bad day at the foundry when this occured. I've yet to see any sideways stampings with Avedis yet, but I have seen one with an old K. Zildjian. And I have photographic documentation for all of these cases in my archives. In fact I could probably do an entire dissertation just on this subject alone.I might call it "weird days at the foundry".
Thanks for the reply Bill. Tommy
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