Very common on e-drums. I have a hybrid rack - mostly Roland, but some Gibraltar. Gibraltar has got some slick items in thier hardware line and makes good racks. Most user I know are pleased with it, but the clamp fittings aren't really setup for internal cable routing, which is about the only knock I've heard about their stuff from other e-drummers.
Yeah, when I was an e-drummer exclusively (tsk tsk), I used a Pearl rack. I wasn't all that concerned with internal cable routing, but that's just me.
I like the Gibraltar stuff 'cos it's just plain sturdy- no funny business here. With the memory locks properly fitted, you can tear down and set up your kit in fifteen minutes or less!!!!
Yeah, I wanted the simplicity of a rack with a cleaner and more spartan look that flat-based stands give. The stealth system is nice for one-up and one or two-down drum kit configurations. I will give a full review soon.