I bought mine,a 20" NOS Ride for $80 (!) from Middletons Music on Plainfield Avenue in Grand Rapids,Michigan in around 1977....still in the factory plastic K bag!
They also had a 22" NOS,but I thought it was too big.........I was only around 20 at the time. That was probably $90 new!
I bought my very first A.Zil there....a used 12" Splash in around 1968-69....I recall paying $12 for it! Wish I still had it.........
They were Gretsch dealers,and in around 1968, they even had a stock Avante Garde double bass kit in the store in Champagne Sparkle ,just like in the catalog.
I remember tapping lightly on the front head of 1 of the BD's with my fingers,and it being pretty resonant sounding to my 12 year old brain....
Try to find a factory kit like that now! Nigh on impossible!