5 piece Pearl Drum Set
Black Leatherette
22" bass, 16, 13, 12 toms, and a chrome snare.
Condition is pretty good. The 12 an d13" toms have different tom mounts. The tom arms may or may not be original, not sure. The leatherette Wrap is in surprisingly very nice shape, just a little curling up by the seam. Nothing serious.
Will also sell for 300 without chrome snare.
Asking $350[IMG]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_4XJRclorcA/VMwGnEoFYvI/AAAAAAABYvA/4E5hLukezXw/w1072-h804-no/DSC04964.JPG[/IMG][IMG]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Ci_TvnIfCFk/VMwGno1AMXI/AAAAAAABYvI/xCqHq9fG6-I/w1072-h804-no/DSC04965.JPG[/IMG][IMG]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-dD-fUysUkEI/VMwGocW3LHI/AAAAAAABYvQ/7e3PFa9vfvM/w1072-h804-no/DSC04966.JPG[/IMG]