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Worlds Largest Cymbal

Posts: 1244 Threads: 204

Found This:

Made of NS12, 86.6", 253lbs.

The cymbal was used in a recent Sea Odyssey parade

which marked Liverpool's connections with the Titanic.

The story that goes with the cymbal is that its reappearance

was brought on after it was discovered by a giant diver

searching the seas for his young niece.


The Paiste cymbal, made from the same alloy as Paiste Gongs (Nickel Silver NS12), measures a whopping 86.6 inches in diameter and weighs 115kg. It took more than 1,200 working hours to create the massive metal.



Where are those Big Sticks! I wanna hit that!

Posted on 12 years ago

sound files?

Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 1071 Threads: 128

You would need a cymbal stand the size of a telephone post and tractor trailer tires for cymbal felts

80's 13 pc sonor signature
1979 12 pc ludwig power factory
Posted on 12 years ago

I think I saw that hovering around a secret airbase next to Walmart.

Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 1244 Threads: 204

It was for this Giant puppet/marionette.


Posted on 12 years ago

How's the bell sound?

1970 Ludwig Downbeat
1965 Ludwig Hollywood
1970 Ludwig Jazzette
Posted on 12 years ago

Absolutely unreal!!! I can't believe this actually exists and is a real cymbal.......thanks for sharing....flower

Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 1273 Threads: 22

Would love to hear what it sounds like. Who can make a scale stick, so you could hit it proper and record some sounds?

Very cool!


Vintage Drum Fan (Not a Guru)
Posted on 12 years ago
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