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Ludwig 3 ply Chrome over wood

Posts: 58 Threads: 27

Hello everyone,

I was hoping someone could give me a little guidance on fair market value of my kit. I'm looking to sell it, and have been watching ebay listed/sold for close to 2 months now in hopes to find a similar such luck.

Maybe someone can give me their professional opinion.

I'm not looking to make a killing, just a fair number so I don't waste mine or anyone else's time.

Thanks in advance!


A few details.

First and foremost, this is a players kit, not a showroom kit. There are a few other little odds and ins that come with 30+ yrs of life, but nothing major that would affect usage or sound. I would give the chrome a 7 out 10....

Earliest badge serial is 996,xxx

Chrome over 3 ply, Clear Maple interior


14x24 (virgin)







Posted on 13 years ago

Beef - Up until recently, COW kits in great condition weren't bringing in but $450 to $650. Prices have been slowly creeping back up to where they should be for vintage equipment. I would start a kit as nice as yours at $850/$900, and then let the market dictate the final selling price. You may get a bite right away or the kit could sit there collecting dust... at which point, you adjust your price downwards until you find the 'trigger-pull range' of some buyers. I always try to price my kits/drums at a price that would tempt -me- to pull the trigger. If the price I set would get -me- excited, I know others will be sorely tempted too.

It's a hit and miss operation trying to guess what something will sell for, but I think $850 asking price is a good place to start. I wish you the very best of luck with your sale. That's nice, clear maple under that metal! Good set of drums.


Too many great drums to list here!
Posted on 13 years ago

I recently scored a late 70's Slingerland COW about same sizes as yours.They are showroom new and I even got two cymbal stands,hi hat and kick pedal too.I paid the asking price of $550.The seller got very few bites,but cow lived a short life due to higher production costs.They ought to be considered rare,but so be it.They are stunning lookers under the stage lights too.

Posted on 13 years ago
Posts: 58 Threads: 27

Thanks guys for taking the time to reply! I appreciate the input!

I'm not getting any love on CL, and the shipping weight probably wouldn't entice many ebay buyers...if I could get $700 I'd be happy.

Thanks again,


Posted on 13 years ago

Hey Rodney, I`m in your neck of the woods. Anything in trade you`d perhaps be looking for?

There`s a huge kit on CL with lots of toms in super shape by the original owner. The guy is wanting $2250 for his with cases and I believe he`s the original owner too. That may work to your advantage if you repost your ad.

Posted on 13 years ago
Posts: 58 Threads: 27

Hey Brother,

Thanks for that heads up! I'll re-post them. I'm assuming those are the 5 or 6ply drums since they're late 70's.

The only thing trade wise I need would be radio king drums, parts, pieces.

I'm building a kit to pass down to my son, for when he gets older......of course he'll probably have no interest and pawn them, haha.

What do you have to offer up?

Posted on 13 years ago

Givin a bump to those beautiful drums.

Let me know if you have any interest in trading for one of my Fibes kits; Antique Brass or Antique Copper.

Posted on 13 years ago
Posts: 2212 Threads: 95

7 out of 10 on the wrap is pretty good, and you know those chrome over wood are extra loud! Good luck with the sale, don't take any less than $700.

Posted on 13 years ago

I wonder what this went for.

I thought the appraisals were kind of low. I would've started at $1k at least.

Posted on 12 years ago
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