I was wondering if anyone can identify these drums???
They dont have any badges on them.
The lugs remind me of sonor??
Who can solve the mystery??
I was wondering if anyone can identify these drums???
They dont have any badges on them.
The lugs remind me of sonor??
Who can solve the mystery??
No one knows!!??
There must be somebody with the same drums??
I hope.....
Wow...interesting set. It certainly does NOT look Japanese to me, more likely a budget brand from the UK like Gigster, Edgeware, or Olympic. Not sure which to.
In any case, thats a nice set and warrants restoration. Good luck!
From the shape of the lugs and insides of the shell they look european/eastern european to me,I found these images on the web from a Hungarian website.From the photos they look a lot like the Kosmosz kit from russia,check out the BD pedal and the mounting brackets going into the BD,and the lugs,they look similar to yours,the trowa looks close,esp the lugs.I have seen a few other kits of Communist Europe origin that have very similar "Shark Tooth" lugs also. http://www.drummuseum.hu/foto.php?i=gyujtemeny/kepek/59_3.jpg&l=a&t=TROWA+drumset+of+the+60s http://www.drummuseum.hu/gyujtemeny_a.php?a=c&f=2&mid=37&cid=67 http://www.drummuseum.hu/gyujtemeny_a.php?a=c&f=2&mid=37&cid=67
Can agree with eamesuser.
The 'poor' lug surface (not chromed?) indicates that it comes from Eastern Europe, maybe 60s to early 70s. But got no clue on the name.
Original posted by eamesuser From the shape of the lugs and insides of the shell they look european/eastern european to me,I found these images on the web from a Hungarian website.From the photos they look a lot like the Kosmosz kit from russia,check out the BD pedal and the mounting brackets going into the BD,and the lugs,they look similar to yours,the trowa looks close,esp the lugs.I have seen a few other kits of Communist Europe origin that have very similar "Shark Tooth" lugs also.
Your hypothetic searching are wrong, guys - as to soviet so to eastern etc.
1. Nothing like that, absolutely:
a/. There were only two drum factories in former SU - in Engels town in Russia and in Latvian capital Riga;
b/. No were any brands besides "EPOIMI" and "RMIF&Elit";
c/. No were similar lugs, especially good Ni-coated - only not whole good chrom on ZAC-cast;
d/. No were these good mufflers;
e/. No were any cristall sparkling or light pearl wraps types.
Original posted by RalfCan agree with eamesuser.The 'poor' lug surface (not chromed?) indicates that it comes from Eastern Europe, maybe 60s to early 70s. But got no clue on the name.Ralf
2. Enschuldigen, Ralf, aber Sie irren sich... :)
I've never seen any similar in East drum production.
I think that is one of the West "Tromsa-Roxy-Dery" kinds, especially refer to muffler construction what is partly similar as East famous "Trowa" type.
This kind of drums was discussed once at VDF - it seems to me that our collegue Calfskin will give us the most correct answer.
There was some discussion here with something similar,it was Roxy drums.Here are some pics from this forum,amd also a pic from auction of trowa tom,which looks similar.And some other links to auctions
That Roxy ton control looks similar
There was some discussion here with something similar,it was Roxy drums.Here are some pics from this forum,amd also a pic from auction of trowa tom,which looks similar.And some other links to auctionshttp://cgi.ebay.ch/aeltere-Tom-Pauke-Trommel-Fantrommel-Trowa-/150516899493http://cgi.ebay.com/Original-60s-ROXY-Snare-Tom-Drum-Tone-Control-Germany-/390269706541?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5adde3212dThat Roxy ton control looks similar
I'd say it's pretty sure - same wrap and same lugs. Roxy drums have already been discussed here http://vintagedrumforum.com/showthread.php?t=7676&highlight=roxy
These look like the older European drums don't they?
Flyingdutch, do you have a whole set? How do they sound?
HHa-ha, Dule, then my memory did not fail me on Roxy.
So, I'm just a more lazy then you in searching. :)
Your last pic push me to think that tom's shell is wet-calendered chipboard's made and then coated by hard resin ???
You guys are good!
That snare drum is definately the same as mine. That's Roxy right??
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