Hi, i'm new here and I'm from Belgium so please, apologize for my bad english :)
I'm a total nuub in vintage drums and I'm seeking informations about a yamaha drumset a guy's selling on ebay.
Here's the URL : http://cgi.befr.ebay.be/Superbe-batterie-Yamaha-Recording-Custom-5000-1980-RARE-/200478065195?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_23&hash=item2ead6c822b
The guy write it's a 80's recording custom but after in the description he says it's a 5000 serie so Hmmmm.
I do not have more pictures of it so i can't help you this way.
Please, can you tell me what's the model of the drum and the specifications? Help2
Thanks a lot!